Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Note to class.

There are two students who joined the class recently, Irina and Steve. I notice that only 9 of us are following Irina's blog and none of us (except me) are following Steve. Please look them up at the addresses below and "follow" them.

In addition, we should all be following 34 people and 34 people should be following us. If both of these are not true, please correct that situation, at least to the extent possible. Let's say a minimum of 30 for everyone.

Steve: Stevemiester.blogspot.com

Irina: Irinadenisenko.blogspot.com


  1. Cool stuff, Mr. B. Since you have ditched your Xanga despite the presence of faithful followers such as myself, I was forced to check out your new toy, Blogspot.

    I am disappointed that many of your students didn't write reviews for Signs, as I think it may be the only film in your class that I've had the opportunity to see. I have always been movie deprived, this is nothing new. (BTW, to think that the closest I'll ever get to a Bennett education again is by reading Ragtime in my NYC Studies class makes me envious of you all.)

    What an awesome idea for a class. Much nicer than the Chemistry Exams and Darwin reading and 10 page papers I've written this semester.. ugh, I'm ranting. Anyway, figured I'd say hello.. I'll stop by Tech one of these days too.

  2. Your loyalty to an old teacher brings a tear my jaundiced eye. The heyday of Xanga was such a joy to me. It was through Xanga that I really was able to hone my writing ability. This new blog has provided endless hours of enjoyment also, and, if you check out a few of my "followers" you'll find the reviews of Signs you thought were lacking.

    Glad to see you are making out ok in college. We passed on the horse farm in PA, though it was a temptation. I'll let you know if we change our mind.
