Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A sendoff, of sorts

I posted this on my Xanga blog back in August of '06. If it alleviates any fear you might be experiencing on the eve of your departure for college, then I'm glad.

I guess a lot of my old friends from the class of '06 are on their way to college this week. I would imagine that you are feeling a certain level of anxiety. After all, college is one of those destinations that you've been heading for for so many years. And now, here it is. So, it would be sort of strange if you felt no anxiety at all over such a significant milestone in your life.
Well, for what it's worth, let me tell you that the single most interesting and rewarding experience of my life was going away to college. More happened to me in that four year period than has happened in all the years since, I think. And I look back on it with such fondness and nostalgia. Of course, I could never live like that again, sharing a single room with a stranger and having no money in my pocket. But, to be on my own like that for the first time was such bliss. And of course, I was able to confirm what I had suspected for many years, namely that I was smarter and better-looking than just about everybody else. Of course, I also found out that being smarter and better looking than everyone else really doesn't count for much.
In all seriousness, it was the professors who really changed my outlook on things. Talk about being smarter than everybody else! To have the opportunity to spend several hours a day in the presence of such brain power. It really opened my eyes about a lot of stuff.
Anyway, the first year had some rough edges. I actually found myself feeling a touch of homesickness on occasion. But, after that, I never looked back. And by the time my last year rolled around, I really didn't want to leave. So, be of good cheer my friends. You're off on the start of a great adventure, one that you must not miss. I envy you.

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