Friday, October 29, 2010

To my old friends

I doubt any of you look at this blog anymore, but should you take a stroll down memory lane, you might be amused to hear that I am teaching my old film class at Tech again.  I got a new job within the UFT that requires me to teach a single class each day.  Most of you are probably wondering what terrible thing I did to deserve such a demotion, but the truth is that it is actually a highly regarded postion.  So, go figure.  Anyway, I hope you don't mind that I had the new students create a blog in the same spirit as yours.  I know you're anxious that I should compare you favorably to my new class.  Alas, that would be unkind, if not inaccurate.  Also, not smart, since they are here and you are far, far away, never to return.  Here's the link, should you be so inclined.