Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I attend a lynching.

I had the singular experience last night of being screamed at by an unruly mob of 800 people. It was at a "Town Hall" meeting given by Congressman McMahon to discuss health care reform. The crowd was overwhelmingly opposed to the bill currently winding its way through Congress. While I'm not particularly enamored of the bill myself, I think it's important that the country move forward in some meaningful way in this area. We can't just do nothing. At this point, a bad bill might very well be better than none at all.

But when I started to speak in favor of reform, the crowd tried to drown me out by howling. I've never had an experience like that before. It was exhilerating! Rather than becoming nervous or cowed, I started really enjoying myself, and I even began to antagonize the crowd, as one might a caged wild animal. It was great theatre.

Anyway, there's a rather prominent picture of me in the Advance today. It's a nice picture, but for some odd reason, perhaps owing to reflected light, a weird optical illusion makes it look like I have lost most of my hair. Very strange.


  1. That is rather strange, Mr. Bennett. I was almost certain that you had all your hair, but I did see that picture in the paper tonight. I hope that if you read my post, I didn't lessen your meaning but I am very glad that you spoke out and that you were exhilarated by the entire thing. It is great to hear you do it.
    I miss you, sir. I am proud more than ever today to tell all my friends about my former teacher.

  2. Your hair looks as thick and lustrous as ever.
    Plato was right. The Republic would be better off ruled by a philosopher-king than the ignorant masses.
    Forgive those who howled and yelled for they know not what they do.

  3. One of the drawbacks to being an Advance paper girl is that I don't take a second look at the stupid thing once I deliver all 100 of them.

    Wish I would have seen this article. Good to hear you're still up to your old tricks.
