Thursday, May 21, 2009


Didn't Fargo begin with an onscreen message that stated that the film was based on a true story? I'm sure I remember that.

Mariya discusses memory in her most recent blog entry. In particular, she talks about her earliest memory. My earliest confirmed memory is of standing next to my mother at my grandmother's farm in upstate New York. Workmen were pulling down the grain silo that stood next to the barn, and we were watching. As the silo fell, I got a weird sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Afterwards, my mother and I both mentioned the weird feeling we got in our stomachs, and she still remembers it to this day.

I figured that happened when I was three or four years old. But, I chanced to come upon a photograph of the farm dated January 1963 in which the silo is absent, meaning that it was pulled down in teh summer of 1962, at the latest. As I was only 2 years and 4 months old in August of 1962, that is surely my earliest memory.

However, my grandfather died in December of 1961. I have a vague recollection of him. More specifically, I remember my mother asking me if I remembered him, and I said that I did. So, I recall saying that I remembered him, but I can't really say that I remember him directly.

Memory makes us powerful. The fact that I remember 1979, and you don't, gives me an edge. I guess you win thanks to your youth, the many years you have in front of you. But the future is opaque, the past is very clear. And, should I not like part of it, I just remember it differently. Remind you of anyone?


  1. Shoot I never saw the message stating it was a true movie but I found the movie online and saw the statement. My earliest memory was of me and older brother flexing our muscles when I was 3 and pointing at our elbows saying it was muscle. I may have been 2 but I'm guesstimating 3. The next being me getting scared the poop out of my 1st Halloween by a Frankenstein I opened the door to. I find it agreeable the future is opaque and at times I change the past if not to my liking just like you Mr. Bennett and out friend Lennie. Interesting though you remember 1962 you look like a man of only 27 years.

  2. I have to be honest, maybe I don't remember things well but the last thing that I remember that wasn't what I have seen on videotape was when I was 4 years old and I pulled out my first tooth on my own when I was sitting on my couch and it kind of just came out. Maybe I remember something earlier, but that has always been the most lasting memory of my life.

  3. Perception is reality! Probably around the 50th time I said that today.

  4. It did start with that message Mr Bennett. I don't know why it wasn't there.

    My memory is awful. I can remember very random events from my life, but not many before I was 10. I guess that's fine. That means in my mind I have only lived 7 years, so I therefore have not had to deal with as much crap as everyone else. Yayyyy.
