Monday, March 2, 2009

A Gift.

What can compare with the sheer bliss of diving back into bed at 6am on a miserable snowy moring after hearing the incredible news that the schools are closed?

There I was, blearily shivering, hand trembling over my first double Scotch of the cursed new day, when the blessed herald arrived. Thus did that ambrosial draft launch me, not into the hell-bound fury of a raging snowstorm, but rather, back into the welcoming arms of Morphius.

I re-awakened at 9:30am, a feat of Olympian slumber of which even a teenager would be proud.

[Note for those interested in historical exactitude and/or moral terpitude: The previous posting is a thoroughly reliable and accurate depiction of events at the Bennett household at 6am this morning, with the singular exception of aforementioned ambrosial draft.]


  1. Haha, brilliant. My day was a little less poetic. I woke up at 10:46, a feat I have never accomplished, ever. I'm usually up at 8 oclock, regardless of whether its a school day or not. After groggily discovering that the reason I wasn't at school was the immense snow, I was forced outside to start the dreaded shoveling process. Once finished, and I couldn't feel my arms anymore and there was a significant pain in my chest, I went to Eric's and watched In Bruges with him. I still loved it even though it was my 3rd time in less than a month. He fell asleep. Jerk. I'll watch it again tomorrow and still love it. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your snow day.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed this and I am unsure at how to respond to such a brilliantly written account of a snow day. As Nick stated, I was relegated to having to shovel for a while but this snow day also allowed me to begin watching Schindler's List, as per Nick's suggestion, and so far it has been a very interesting movie. I will certainly make a post when I complete the movie, however, I only hope that when making that post I can be half as eloquent as you were in this great post.

  3. Three things:

    1)I woke up at 3 today. 3 P.M.! Which is amazing and depressing at the same time.

    2)In Bruges is an amazing movie. I once had a whole argument with Ilyas about whether or not it deserved a nomination for Best Original Screenplay.I still think it deserved to win.

    3)Now I'm off to watch Schindler's List, because Jimmy's comment put me in the mood (well, as much as anyone can be in the mood for Schindler's List). Ralph Fiennes in that movie is probably my favorite non-James Dean performance ever. Never has an evil Nazi been more three-dimensional.

  4. Three PM? Congratulations. And don't feel guilty about it. You saplings need a lot more sleep than we Sauropods. I too, in a long extinct incarnation could sleep the clock around. I remember 11am being the generally desired hour to arise. One pm was typically regarded as pushing things a bit. I think the word "disgraceful" was usually applied to a slumber than exceeded that particular cut off. But, that was back in the days when science had not stated categorically that teenagers need massive amounts of sleep. So, be of good cheer.

  5. Yea, I felt an ambrosial draft as well. Maybe I had just ripped one at the time. Either way a snow day is always a glorious occasion and the extra sleep is always much needed. However, I must confess, I can not describe the utter ecstasy as well as Mr. Bennett. But, then again, who can?

  6. I only wish my day was a fraction as enjoyable as yours. Upon realizing that we had no school, several of my friends and I decided to go sledding at the golf course. Said golf course does not have asphalt parking lots. My car, as well as my friend's car, both got stuck in the snow. After almost an hour, the four of us and several volunteers were able to get his car out of the snow. Several hours later, I believe four to be exact, the second tow truck (the first one having left upon the realization that it simply did not have the power to get my small Pontiac G6 out of the snow) got stuck beside my car in the snow. Another half an hour passes, and my car is finally out of the snow, albeit covered in mud. Almost five hours, and $100 later... we never even got to go sledding. There is the story of my snow day.

  7. Did Morpheus come to you through the ivory gate or the horn one?

  8. Dale, old friend, how nice to see you trolling my new blog ring. My current students asked who you were, not recognizing the face behind the WW1 gas mask. I told them that you were a kindred spirit, and, considering that this is a very superior group, it's a compliment. Too bad you're not with us anymore, or to be more logical, too bad you and I couldn't do the film class gig back in your day.

    Thanks so much for pointing out the accurate spelling of the god of sleep. I recall how much pleasure it gave you to display how much more you knew about battleship desing than I did. Now, you are humbling me in mythology. No matter. I'm still better looking than you. As for the gate, I don't even know what you're referring to. Hopefully, you shall educate us all in a comment. I look forward to it.
